Owner & Principal Reconstructionist
Direct: (815) 260-3721
Andrew W. Thomas is an ACTAR Accredited Traffic Crash Reconstructionist that specializes in the reconstruction of motor vehicle crashes. Andrew has had more than 1,300 hours of crash investigation and reconstruction training. He is an Illinois Certified Crash Reconstruction Specialist and Certified Instructor with expertise in Advanced Truck Enforcement and Crash Data Retrieval. During his 15 years in law enforcement, Andrew led the Major Crash Investigation Unit of the McHenry County(IL) Sheriff’s Office which is responsible for all major injury and fatality crash investigations. He also spent over 3 years as a full-time Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officer and 10 years as a Motorcycle Officer.
- ACTAR Accredited Traffic Crash Reconstructionist #2828
- Crash Data Retrieval Specialist
- iNPUT-ACE Video Examiner
- Pix4D User and Photogrammetrist
- National Child Passenger Safety Seat Technician

Associate Reconstructionist
Direct: (815) 708-4926
Nicholas M. Funk is an ACTAR Accredited Traffic Crash Reconstructionist specializing in the reconstruction of motor vehicle crashes. Not only does Nicholas instruct for Northwestern University's Center for Public Safety, but he has also assisted in the development of their updated crash investigation curriculum. Nicholas' years of heavy vehicle enforcement and serving as a company's safety and compliance officer gives him a unique perspective. He has also spent more than 16 years in law enforcement and currently leads a collision reconstruction team at an Illinois sheriff's office.
- ACTAR Accredited Traffic Crash Reconstructionist #3057
- Illinois Crash Reconstruction Specialist #PCB09480
- Heavy Vehicle Enforcement Officer